Be Aware of These Common Palm Tree Problems

Bassett Tree Service • May 30, 2023

Palm trees add an exotic touch to any landscape, but maintaining them can be a challenge. From pests to diseases, palm trees face a range of issues that homeowners and landscapers need to be aware of. We'll explore some of the most common palm tree problems and solutions, so you can keep your palms looking their best all year long. When you need palm tree care in Mesa, AZ, or the surrounding areas, give the team at Bassett Tree Service a call.

Sooty Mold

Sooty mold is a fungal disease that commonly affects palm trees. It appears as a black, powdery coating on the leaves and stems of the tree. This mold grows on the sugary secretions left behind by insects such as aphids and whiteflies, which often infest palm trees. Sooty mold can block out sunlight and prevent the tree from photosynthesizing, which may lead to stunted growth or even death. While sooty mold does not directly harm the tree, it is an indicator of an underlying insect infestation. To prevent sooty mold, it is important to control insect populations through regular pruning, keeping a clean garden, and using insecticides if necessary. If sooty mold is present, it can be removed by washing the tree with a mixture of mild soap and water.

Butt Rot

Butt rot is a disease caused by the fungus Ganoderma zonatum that begins in the lower part of the trunk and progresses upwards, ultimately killing the tree. Butt rot can easily infect palm trees through wounds, pruning cuts, or other injuries. Symptoms of butt rot include wilted or discolored fronds, a hollowed-out trunk, and the presence of mushroom-like structures on the lower part of the trunk. If left untreated, butt rot can cause significant damage and even lead to physical safety risks if the tree topples. To prevent butt rot, it's important to keep palm trees healthy and avoid any unnecessary injuries to their trunks. Regular pruning and removing dead or damaged fronds can also help prevent the spread of this disease.


Palm trees require a certain amount of water to thrive, but too much water can lead to root rot and other issues. Overwatering can also wash away important nutrients from the soil, causing the tree to become deficient in essential minerals. Signs of overwatering include yellowing or browning of the leaves, wilting, and fungus growth. To prevent overwatering, it is important to only water the tree when the soil is dry and to ensure proper drainage. If overwatering is already an issue, reducing the frequency of watering and improving drainage may help mitigate the damage.

Palm Tree Care in Mesa

The certified arborists at Bassett Tree Service specialize in palm tree services in Mesa and the surrounding areas. Our local palm tree experts are highly skilled at caring for all species of palms, ensuring that they remain healthy year after year. Whether you need palm tree maintenance or palm tree removal, or other services for your palms, we can help. Give us a call at 480-745-2290 to learn more about our local tree company or to request an estimate for palm tree services near Phoenix.

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